The company is a high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, manufacturing and sales of intelligent control material conveying equipment, large-scale non-standard equipment, anti-corrosion pipelines and container equipment. It is a national specialized special new small giant enterprise, Hebei specialized special new key small giant enterprise, Hebei Industrial Enterprise A-level R & D institution, Hebei technological innovation demonstration enterprise, Hebei technological innovation center Tangshan industrial design center and Hebei excellent enterprise technology center. The company has more than 40 intellectual property rights. At the same time, the company also participated in the formulation of national standards of gb50726 ~ 50727 technical standards for anti-corrosion engineering of industrial equipment and pipelines, and formulated enterprise standards of Q / 130200000000 dyzg 001-2018 belt conveyor drum equipment and Q / 130200000000 dyzg 001-2019 nuclear power seawater treatment anti-corrosion equipment.

The company has 87 professional and technical developers in mechanical, chemical, electrical and information engineering. The company attaches great importance to the construction of technical talents and employs industry experts in relevant fields with high salary. The company organizes technical training, carries out activities to strive for excellence, and college experts and professors go deep into the enterprise to provide technical guidance, so as to continuously enhance the company's technical R & D strength.

The company's high wear-resistant intelligent pulley control has successfully developed weld fatigue failure prediction and rubber coating wear detection technology to realize intelligent online real-time monitoring. The project technology has been included in the key R & D plan of Hebei Province in 2019 (Project No.: 19211901d). The high wear-resistant intelligent pulley control is identified as a new domestic product by the literature and information center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, the industrialization of seawater treatment and anti-corrosion equipment of our company has also been approved as a major special project of science and technology of Hebei Province (Project No. 18044602z). The wear resistance of the products has been inspected by the national coal mine dust prevention and ventilation safety product quality supervision and inspection center, and all meet the requirements.

The company has strong competitive advantages in product development, technological innovation and market development, has the ability of industrial scale operation, forms a relatively complete industrial chain, promotes the healthy development of upstream and downstream industries, drives the rapid development of extension cooperation enterprises, and further meets the needs of domestic and foreign markets.

MIIT record No.: Ji ICP Bei No. 19039114-1 Copyright © Tangshan Dongya Heavy Industry Equipment Group Co., Ltd.